What is i-Learn System ?
*i-Learn is a learning management system for e-learning in UiTM. Relevant to today's technology advancement, i-Learn system acts as a platform that supports the teaching and learning process in UiTM. i-Learn system is developed using Open Source Software which involves PHP progamming languages and MySQL as database. Such programs are considered to be among the most users friendly programs that will make surfing and using the facilities provided to be effortless and easy.
*This centre was established on the 1st of December 2005 under the Academic Affairs Division (HEA) of UiTM. The main objective is to administer and organise all e-learning activities in UiTM. The centre officially launched UiTM official portal for e-learning (i-Learn V1.0) on 30th December 2005. The launching was officiated by the Vice Chancellor of UiTM.
i-Learn NAME
*i-Learn Centre (i-LeC)
>> i-Learn is the official name for UiTM's learning system
*The belief in the potential of information and communication technology in enhancing the process of teaching and learning.
i-Learn VISION
*To make UiTM a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence through e-learning.
*To enhance the quality of professionalism of UiTM academic staff through e-learning.
i-Learn MOTTO
" Knowledge Sharing @ a click "

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