What is the purpose of introductive paragraph ??
~ Get the reader's attention.
~ Set tone for the rest of the essay.
~ Make a contract with the reader - what will be covered in this piece ?
The part of introductive paragraph ::
~The hook - Designed to grab attention immediately and give some indication about the essay's topic.
~The transition - Moves the reader from the hook to the driving force of the essay.
~The thesis - Makes the contract with the reader about what will be discussed without a blatant announcement.
We has 7 Type of introductive essay ::
~Personal examples >> provides strong, dramatic incident to use. Honesty in expressing thoughts and feelings will ring true with the reader. While, you can make up the personal experience, be careful that it sounds credible.
~Quotations >> does not have to be form a famous person.
>> must be relevant to the thesis statement.
>> content of quota should be - Dramatic
- Emotionally appealing
- Surprising
- Humorous
~Facts or statistics >> must be startling or unsual.
>> must be form a credible source.
>> use journal as a place to record both quotes and facts or statistics that might work for an introduction.
~Rhetorical questions
~Cuurent events >> must be recent
>> must be important
>> should be made public by newspapers, television or radio
~Contrast to the thesis statement >> in direct contrast to the thesis statement.
>> It is fun to prove an expert wrong.
And the last is definition
so task for our group next class is to do the introduction in i will share you all introduction that you can make for ur essay
NIght CLass
We continue learn part of reading that is making inferences and prediction.
What is making inferences ??
An inference is a logical conclusion based on what has been stated in the text. Information which is provided must be analysed in order for you to understand what is not directly stated or hidden between the lines. In order to infer, you need to use your experience, knowledge, common sense and power of reasoning to draw logical conclusion.
eg :: Mrs Lim said that her executives have improved in their report writing.
Inferences :
1. The executives are now able to effectively organise their ideas in writing.
2. The executives are now able to appropriately selects words to convey their ideas.
What is making predictions ??
Predicting is an important reading skill as it will enable you to enhance your understanding of the text by anticipating what will happen next. Predicting can be done by using what you know about the text, plot, setting, characters, issues and relating them to your own knowledge to figure out possible outcomes.
eg :: Nadrah has been given the responsibility of heading a multi-million dollar project.
Predictions :
1. She may be promoted soon.
2. With the success of this project, she may be assigned to had other big projects.
As usual, at the end of class, Miss Zu will do some activities that related to what we learn just now.
First activitiy is find who is the murderer ??
This activity force us to make noise in the class because we need to move around the class to get the answer.
The rules is ::
~Miss Zu give everyone in the class with a card.
~Then, the information that do not inform in the card is the murdere
Next is watching a clip video.
~Then, the information that do not inform in the card is the murdere
~We need to watch the Bruno Mars, Grenade's clip video.
~Miss Zu will stop the video at a certain time.
~Then, she ask us to predict what will happen next.
~Miss Zu will stop the video at a certain time.
~Then, she ask us to predict what will happen next.
Say thank you to Miss Zu because give us enjoyable and fun activities, ^_^
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