Tuesday, March 8, 2011

08 MARCH 2011

Today i was get MC from the PENAWAR...so i did not attent for the class...but im still follow what the activities that my friends do in the class...so today they were learn about transfer information from non-linear to linear form.

For this activities we have know tips  how to write transformation transfer 

>> Spend 5 minutes reading the graphs/ charts etc.
>> Make sure you understand axes.
>> Make sure you follow the line of graph.
>> Focus on the key information.
>> If two graphs-compare
>> Think about the time period-tenses
>> Vary your vocabulary.
>> Organize information clearly.
>> Write neatly.

Formula to write information transfer.
>> Title
>> Overview ( first paragraph )
>> Controlling idea and key features ( third and fourth paragraph )
>> Prediction and proposal ( last paragraph )

Example ::
How University Student Manage Stress
       The pie chart shows the percentage of how students spend their time after classes by doing  indoor activities, socializing, studying, going for movies and outdoor activities. (Overview)

          From the information given, we can see that the highest percentage would be indoor activities which is 35% such as playing computer and board game because students feel tired during their lecture then they prefer to have a rest after classes. Whereas, the lowest percentage is going for movies and outdoor activities which  represents 10%  due to lack energy in doing outdoor games such as exercising and financial problem to going for movies. (CIKFs 1)

          On the other hand, the gap between second and third highest is 5% which represents 25% of socializing and 20% of studying. This is due to students more attracted to have a chatting online to reduce their stress rather than doing assignment that can make them stress. (CIKFs 2)

         Probably, the percentage of socializing will increase in the future because nowadays students more prefer to spend their time with friends. As a result, university should provide more facilities for the students such as improve the wireless services and increase the number of public transportation. (P1P2)

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