This morning, we have a pre test of an argumentative essay. We do the test in a group. All of us were divided into 6 groups that consist of 5 members. My group members are Syifa, Zyra,iffah, Joe and myself. The essay should have 5 paragraph which are one person for one paragraph. All members in a group have to choose their part, either introduction, body paragraph or conclusion part. Each of us had been given about 15 minutes to finish our part.
The question is about parental negligence is the main causes of social problem. do you agree or disagree.
As an argumentative essay, we must have a stand whether we agree or not with that issue. Our group is totally agreed with this issue. Based on our opinion, the main cause of social problems is due to parental negligence which is they busy with their work, lacking of parenting knowledge and come from broken family.
After we have finished our test, we are given to go back early.

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